
Living in God’s True Story: 2 Peter is unavailable, but you can change that!

We all need a reminder of the true story at the heart of the gospel. In the face of false teachers and skeptics, Peter wrote his second epistle to remind his readers of God’s true story. They needed to be reoriented to the truth of their identity and status in Christ. Christians continue to experience similar challenges to our spiritual foundations today. In Living in God’s True Story: 2 Peter,...

All of us live our lives according to a particular story that helps us make sense of the world and our experiences in it, and molds our attitudes and behaviors accordingly. Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? What should I do? Our answers to such questions reflect the story we live by. British missionary-theologian Lesslie Newbigin put it like this: “The way we understand human life depends on what conception we have of the human story. What is the real story of
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